Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Last Blog Post

This is what I've done throughout the semester. :) I've had a lot of fun and can't wait to do his class next school year :) I'll miss you for the summer Cornell

Thursday, May 19, 2016

May 19, 2016 :)

I don't think I wrote in my blog last class but what I did was open the mouth for the Raptor in Maya then exported it to Mudbox and did a little bit of detail on the face and muscles on the arms and legs. After sending it to Mudbox there were a few problems and it took a while trying to fix them so I didn't have as much time working on it as I'd like but oh well.

Oh yeah, last class was mostly Cornell helping, more like doing, me with my work in Maya. I didn't really get what to do so he showed me how to do some stuff and I learned a couple new tricks.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Last class I didn't get to write in my blog. All I did was try to add detail and things but not much difference. But then I asked Cornell about details but he said the mouth needed to be opened. For a few minutes he tried opening the mouth but it didn't work so he said to work on it today.

Today I tried exporting the raptor to maya because he said but it took a long time before it actually exported but I tried opening the mouth but it looks completely weird so I'll ask Cornell next class. He wasn't here to help me.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Today I worked on my raptor again (of course) and added the main details to the arms legs and face. Now next class I'll work on mini details and after that just make it as good as possible.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

I thought I was done with my trex or raptor thing but Cornell wants me to make it professional work. He wants jurassic world material. I started on a new raptor and I won't take a picture so I can surprise everyone with my finished product.
I worked a little bit on my space ship and added a fire affect :D I'm so happy. I made a small animation and hope to soon render the animation :) I also smoothed it and you can see the windows better with better lighting. Not many people think so but this was really simple and it turned out great :D

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

During the show casing I did a couple drawing but I was only able to put one on my blog. Here's the other two. :)

Today I worked in Maya. I haven't worked in Maya for a long time and missed it. Not too long ago my cousin wanted to design a spaceship so today I did a simple one. :) I might try copying the ship in the Avengers or just an awesome space ship i find. I didn't too much. This is made from a cube and I selected and extruded and beveled. Not too much detail or work but still fun. I also changed the material to chrome and put an angular environment (I didn't know you could do that) and added glass  to the ship to add an effect. It's dark but I still like what I did :D

Friday, April 29, 2016

It's show case day and I've been drawing while people have walked around the room. Here's what I copied :D

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More detail added to my raptor and I'm happy with it. :) today I'm coming after school and finishing it for the show case on Friday :D

Monday, April 25, 2016

Today I worked on my raptor again but added color and a different texture to it. It's kind of hard to see the texture. Next class I'm gonna work on it and hopefully finish it. I'll also work on it tomorrow after school :)

I also worked on my anime character in sketchbook. I'm not finished yet but I did add some color on the eyes and hair. I made a different character instead of the other character I started. I'm liking sketchbook and using the tablet and pen. It's gotten a lot easier to work with the pen and tablet. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Today I worked on my raptor and adding detail to it. I didn't get much done on it but I was watching the tutorial for it for next class.

Monday, April 18, 2016

today I got frustrated with my raptor so I started drawing in sketchbook.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

 Today I worked on texturing my trex  and enjoyed using the pen and tablet again.  I added snakeskin texture to it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Today I continued on my trex and added a little bit more detail and continued the tutorial for the trex. It's talking about how to use stencils and things like that. I'm going to come work on it after school also, so I might have more detail more done later. :)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Today I continued on my raptor and added more detail. I got a compliment from Cornell so it must be pretty good lol. I worked with the pen and tablet again and it was easier and I'm enjoying it :D

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Today I continued working on my t rex. It's not really a t-rex anymore but it's the same mesh. Today was easier with the tablet and pen. I'm starting to get the hang of it. Can't wait till next class to work on it.

Monday, April 4, 2016

I decided to restart on my trex because i wanted to add my own twist to it. Also I started using the pen and tablet. It's a little bit easier I just need to get used to it :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

March 22, 2016

Today i worked a little bit on my character animation but Cornell suggested to finish the trex and get better at mudbox. I've been trying to do small details on the t-rex (which isn't working). There isn't much difference. :\

Friday, March 18, 2016

March 18th

So I've been trying to smooth out the skin for my character so I can make it walk but it's not working. So I'm gonna try to make my character in Maya to see if it will be easier to animate it. My character still looks the same there isn't a difference. All the skin is still caving in and shooting out while the legs move. There's a thing called skin weight in Maya and I've been trying to use it but it isn't working and it's not smoothing out the skin to make it look normal. Last class I wasn't able to blog because I ran out of time in class and everything stopped working. I'm having a lot of trouble with this character but I'll keep going.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Today I worked on a little character for a mini animation. The mini animation will be used for the show casing in April. Even if it's only 30 seconds I'm going to rig a character and animate it. I'm having lots of fun. I still need to paint it and export it to Maya then rig it and then finally animate it. If I can, I will add another character also :D I'm so excited for this animation. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Today i worked on small details on my trex so in the picture there isn't much difference that's easy to spot. I had fun though. :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

We worked on cloth today in Maya. Cornell assigned us to make an epic cloth drape. So I did Lava :D

Friday, March 4, 2016

Today, I've started to add detail to my t-rex. I need to add small details before I can continue with the tutorial. :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I was trying to make the eye look nice but didn't work out too well. I'll continue next class hopefully with Cornell's help. That's all I got done today.

Monday, February 29, 2016

This is how far I've gotten in my t-rex tutorial. I had to start again because something went wrong with my other try so I started the tutorial again and this is how far I've gotten.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I finished the cube challenge for Cornell. It looks great... it's okay.