Monday, February 29, 2016

This is how far I've gotten in my t-rex tutorial. I had to start again because something went wrong with my other try so I started the tutorial again and this is how far I've gotten.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

I finished the cube challenge for Cornell. It looks great... it's okay.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cornell assigned us the Cube Challenge. I didn't get to finish but here's how far I got.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Today I was working with a new program for 3D printing called 123D Make. It was fun but didn't get to print it so next class I will try to. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

I've been looking through the Mudbox tutorials today and have been practicing on my character. I didn't get to do much but next class I will be working on something different.

Goal Support Tasks

I need to learn:

  • Adobe Premiere
  • to animate in Maya
  • how to design in Mudbox
  • how to use the tools in Mudbox
  • about the skeleton in Maya (for animating)
  • to master the T-Rex tutorial
  • to use keys for animating (in Maya)
  • how to use Mudbox
  • how to pose characters 
  • how to add special effects to my animation

Friday, February 5, 2016

For making a character I would need to learn more about Mudbox and how it works. I need to do more tutorials for Mudbox and learn how to use the tools wells and to design my character very well. After the character (if I have time) I want to animate it so I need to learn the properties in which I will be able to animate. More tutorials for me this semester. :)

For my Animation I can't choose if I want to design a character for it or if to make a story board with one of my stories I've written. Making a character will help me learn about Mudbox but making a story board can get my imagination working. I do want to do a character more so I can learn Mudbox. My Design Goal is to make a character in Mudbox that I would use in my animation.
My Big Goal is the same as last semester and what I've always wanted to do ever since I was little. When I was younger I've always wanted to make my own movie. I always wondered how to people animate and design for animated movies like in Pixar. My Goal is to make my own animation, even if it's just a few minutes, with my own characters, my own story, using my own imagination. My goal isn't for only this class but for my future also. My biggest goal is to work as an animator for Pixar.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

So far all the scenes have been rendered and are ready to be put into the movie. The only thing that needs to be done is the video needs to be exported and we will have a small animated documentary. Melanie, Fightin!!! :)

Monday, February 1, 2016

In the midst of working on the Scivis project I also worked on a small project for my science class. We had to invent something and we needed drawings or pictures for our project so I made a couple pictures in Maya. 

Today, we were excused from class to work on the project and all day we've been rendering frames and soon it will be put together to make a small animated movie. Gladly we found out that the deadline was pushed to Thursday, February 4th. We now have more time to work and edit whatever we need. This time has been fun with the team and soon (two weeks) we will compete with a small animated movie.
Throughout the month I have been modeling, animating, and rendering for the TSA Scivis project. I've modeled a couple organs, a piece of the Central Nervous System and animated words for scenes in the animation. Friday was an adventure as we hurried and modeled and animated and getting help from team members. During the period of eight hours we finished most of the animation.