Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Semester 2 Project 2

Artwork Title: Unknown title

This is a poster that my uncle asked me to paint for a retreat he's setting up. It's a poster that consists of hills, a dying tree, men fighting, a bridge, a river, a waterfall, a fire, and a few people spread throughout the poster. I'm not sure what the message is in the poster. 
I started off with the sky and clouds to get background. I go from the back to the front as if I was painting this physically. But I did skip the step of painting the grass before continuing because I wasn't sure of the color and how realistic it should look. Looking at reference pictures, I noticed that the rivers aren't very blue so I decided to do a light green and white to make it more realistic; and in the background, I made the river whiter with a tint of yellow to capture a sort of sun light reflecting. There's no sun in the poster so I made the the shading look as if it is left of the poster (the lighter river, outlining the tree with a yellow, and getting a bright green to blend in and stick out. Of course, I'm not done with it but I will finish in the first few weeks of summer.  

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